Avoid Boring Blog Content with These Creative Ideas

A blog is a very important piece of any digital marketing strategy. A blog serves as an information source to provide relevant data to visitors and potential clients.

Creating engaging blog content can be a challenge at times, but it’s easier when you change up the format sometimes. It also helps to attract more visitors and convert them to customers.

Throughout this post, we’re going to share a few types of content that can help to enhance your marketing strategy. These formats will add variety to the information you provide on both your blog and other platforms, like social media or email.


Tutorials are a great way to teach visitors how to do something. They should be detailed enough to let your readers figure out how to do it by themselves.

Don’t be worried about sharing your secrets about how to do something. If it’s difficult enough, people will still look for help or tools to make it easier. And, that’s where you come in to sell your product or service.

Looking for an example? Check out How to Write a Killer Blog Post to Get More Traffic and Conversions.

To take your tutorials to the next level, include an explaining video or graphics to make it easier to understand.

Tutorials can be very effective in video format because many people are highly visual. Many users search for answers on Youtube to learn how to do things by themselves.

Compilations & Lists

Another way to create unique content is to simply curate top content from other blogs and websites. This means creating a list of things that other people have published in one easy-to-find post.

Some topics to curate can include:

  • Ideas or strategies
  • Tools
  • Case studies
  • Products or services

Lists are a great way to provide a central resource that people can easily reference over time. One of the best ways to get recurring traffic is to create something that people will bookmark and come back to read multiple times.

Compilations are also great for your SEO rankings because you can link to other websites. Once you publish your article, don’t forget to notify those websites and they may share your post to help get more traffic.


Reviews are a great way to provide insight into tools and services that can provide value to your visitors. They help to compare multiple products and can be critical of poor ones, helping to recommend the highest quality.

The possibilities of what you review is endless. Think about related books, digital tools, or even events within the industry that might relate to your company.

Provide your honest feedback on these products and don’t recommend something that you don’t really believe in. There are plenty of products that will pay an affiliate commission, but always be true to your brand in what you promote.


Many people think of videos when it comes to a blog because they are more comfortable with just writing.

The truth is that video works not only on your social media but also on your blog. You can even distribute them through your email list.

A good video strategy can help your audience know what kind of products and services you’re currently offering in a visual way.

Creating videos can be as simple as creating PowerPoint slides with your text and doing a simple voice over. If you’re willing to be on camera, a simple video using your iPhone can also be effective to get your point across.

Case Studies

Case studies are a way to give real-life proof about something that happened. For example, you might create a case study about a recent client that you were able to help.

It should walk through all the details about how how your product or service works to give a “behind-the-scenes” look. Don’t forget to include the outcome for the customer. How much did you save them or how quickly did you fix the problem for them?

Everyone wants to understand what a company can really provide, so case studies are a great way to show this.

Guest Posts

An amazing way of strengthening your relationship with allies in the industry is to invite other blogs to publish on yours. Guest posts allow other people to write content for your blog and then you post it on your own website.

The benefit of exchanging content is that you can get more content in exchange for posting a backlink to the author’s website.

This type of action will help you to reach a new audience and to enhance your link building strategy, as well as your SEO positioning and goals.


Infographics are a great way of making complex or long ideas simple and visually attractive.

It is an excellent format with a very high viral potential since they are easy to share. You can promote them in your social media, email, landing pages, etc.

People are very interested in graphic information, especially when they’re aesthetically pleasing. At the end of the day, it’s easier to look at an image than to try to read through blocks of text.


Website calculators are interactive and help visitors to better understand concepts. They can be simple to create and provide real value to illustrate ideas.

For example, check out our Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) calculator. Even though it might be difficult to remember the formula for CAC, using a calculator makes it easier to understand.

Calculators can help to increase your visitor engagement and time-on-page. The longer that visitors stay engaged on your website, the better for your SEO.

Plus, not a ton of sites use them, so you’ll stand out by offering a valuable calculator.

Get Creative

Even if you have a good content strategy for your blog, sometimes you editors and writers have a hard time trying to choose the best format.

Use your creativity and analyze your monthly statistics to identify the favorite format of your readers. From there, you can continue to build out your blog around those top formats.

Remember that a well-developed blog can increase greatly your visitors while separating you from your competitors.

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