How to Write a Killer Blog Post to Get More Traffic and Conversions

Good content not only allows you to have a good quality blog, but it also helps to generate leads. Discover how to write effective posts for your blog to improve your digital marketing and convert more leads.

Even if don’t believe that there is a formula to write a perfect post, you should know at least how to write a good post for your blog. It isn’t complicated once you get started and all you have to do is follow these simple steps.

Get to Know Your Audience

Before starting to write, you must be sure of what kind of people will read your post. Do you know your audience? What are they interested in?

When you know who your audience is and what are they looking for, then looking for a topic to talk or inform them about won’t be be a hard task.

Try to solve a problem for your audience or provide education information for them. Find their pain points and then provide a way to help them. By knowing what your audience is looking for, you’ll be able to position yourself as an expert able to help them.

Define a Topic and a Working Title

Every post must start from a specific topic, and you will decide how much of it will you cover throughout the text. The point of view for your writing style will stem from your main topic.

One way to get started is to write out a working title for your post, which encompasses what you will focus on. It is still a working title because it may change as your write the article.

For example, you can choose to write about “blogs” as your general topic. Then, focus on writing about “How to Write Appealing Headlines and Sub-headlines” as your working title.

That way, you’re using a title that summarizes your idea and helps you to be more centered while writing it.

Later, you may decide to change your final blog post title to “21 Examples of Appealing Headlines and Sub-Headlines”. As your content evolves, your focus and title may also change.

Organize Your Content

If you already know what you’re going to talk about, you can start planning your content. To do that, start doing research and organizing all the information you find.

Try to include as much information that helps your audience to read faster, while at the same time keeping it interesting. Use headings, pictures, and lists to make it easy for readers to understand.

Make sure your ideas flow logically and group sub-topics together. As long as you have a consistent structure to your post, your readers will be more engaged.

Revise It

Editing isn’t just about proofreading or solving grammar and punctuation errors. You must ensure that your post is aesthetically structured and that the format is clean.

Take your time to write your post but then reread it a few times to make sure it makes sense.

Even once you publish it, there is value in going back to it a few months or years later to revise it.

For example, you may publish an article on the Top 7 Free SEO Tools to Improve Your Rankings in 2020. But, a year later, there may be other tools to add to the list. Go back periodically and continue to update your content to provide more value.

Optimize Your Blog Post for SEO

Take advantage of SEO as much as you can, without abusing the tools.

Make good use of your keywords but don’t overload your post with them to the point that your writing doesn’t make sense.

The same thing applies to your backlinks. Only use them when a fact is important and want to let your audience know that you have done your research.

Of course, basic SEO will help to get your post ranked higher for keywords, but it should not impact readability.

Include a Call to Action

This is optional, but you should create a “call to action” at the end of the post that lets the customer get a special offer or find out more.

It’s vital to use a call to action at the end of the post so you can know the customer is interested in that offer. It also helps to monetize your content and get your visitors to take an action.

Use Different Formats

Change up your style of writing and content format so that you don’t always post the same thing. Some ideas for different content ideas include:

  • How To articles or tutorials
  • Collections or lists
  • Top X Tips to do (blank)
  • Videos
  • Podcast
  • Image or infographic based

Just get creative and try to change it up occasionally when creating your blog content so that your visitors don’t get bored.

By following some of these tips, you’ll be able to create killer blog posts. This will not only help you to have a good quality blog, but more traffic and more opportunities to get new potential clients.

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